...This very beautiful collection for children presents coloured plastic eggs with a glitter cross on top and a wooden cross inside. There is a hole at the top of the wooden cross if kids want to put a chain or any cord. We also include a printed name on a yellow card with the name of the baptised child typed in red colour inside each egg. Please e-mail us with your preferred name. You can buy each egg separately as a gift or in quantity as christening favours. If you buy them in quantity, an assortment of different colour eggs will be included in a display case that is dressed with red tulle free of charge! p.s. Just add the product in your basket and you will have the option to add your preferred quantity of the product (if you want more than one piece) at the checkout page. The diameter of each plastic egg is 5 cm. The length of the egg is 6.5 cm approximately. It weighs 6 grams. The length of the wooden cross is 4.8 cm. Its width is 3 cm. It weights 1 gram. The whole product (with the cross inside) weighs 7 grams.
"...Holly Eggs!" ©